Our Early Years
Pictures Taken in Our K Through 8 Years Of School
There Were Three Groups of Each Grade


Please submit any images that you have of our early classes. If you have the names on the back of the images, please scan them also, or copy the names into a letter and mail it with the images. If you can, have them scanned to a CD and mail that, so your original images are safe with you. If you see any missing names or incorrect names, please let us know. Between all of us we should be able to remember every one of these precious souls. Can you imagine that we were as innocent as these little ones appear to be?
If you have any snapshots taken during these years, we will include them with the class pictures. I hope you have names for those in the picture, and possibly date and location.

Thanks go to Jean Davis Dorhofer for getting us started with these.

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Kindergarten (1947):
Mrs. Anderson

Back Sally Benedict    ___________    ___________   Boyd Sannar    __________    Allen Dustin    __________    __________    Stanley Williams
Middle Joanie Adams    __________    Connie Richins    __________    Margaret Haller    Lily Borrowman    Marsha Scott    __________   Bonnie McCaughan    __________    Loretta Burks
Front __________     Michael Hansen    Palmer Hatch
Were there other Kindergarten classes this year?
Can anyone share them with us?
Candid Shots:    Do you have any pictures that you took of your friends during your Kindergarten year? Would you share them with us please?


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1st Grade (1948):

Mrs. Anderson


Jimmy Pitt    Leonard Cardoza    David ?____   __________     Allen Fife    Michael Dahl


Trudy ?____    Janice Francis    __________    Steven Passmore    Paul Shore    Allen Dustin    Carol ?____    Patsy ?____


Dianna Doering   __________   Margo Hepworth   Joyce Campbell   Jean Davis   Loretta Coe   __________   Penny Anderson

Mrs. Myers

Back      __________    __________   __________  Melvin Brogdon  __________  Kenny Smith  __________  Mrs. Myers

Middle  __________    __________   __________   __________    __________   Elvin Brogdon  Frank Delgado  __________

Front    __________    __________   __________   __________    __________  __________    __________   Kathy Cushman __________ 


Were there other 1st grade classes this year?
Candid Shots:    Do you have any pictures that you took of your friends during your 1st grade year? Would you share them with us please?


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2nd Grade (1949):
Mrs. Faye


David ?____    Steven Passmore    Allen Dustin    Stanley Williams    Boyd Sannar    __________    Gary Richey    _________    Allen Fife


Marvin Harris    Patsy ?____    Alice Sannar    Janice Francis   Dianna Doering    Joyce Campbell   Margo Hepworth    Jimmy Pitt    Michael Dahl


Bonnie McCaughan    Margaret Haller    Loretta Coe    Carol ?____    Betty Bargess    Janice Kendall    Jean Davis    __________    Penny Anderson

Mrs. Simpson

Back      Kenny Smith  __________    Frank Delgado  __________   Mrs. Simpson  __________   Darryl Greer?    __________ 

Middle  __________     Melvin Brogdon  __________   Boyd Sanner? Barbara Moon __________   Nancy Justus __________    __________  

Front    __________   Lily Borrowman?  __________  __________  __________  __________   Kathy Cushman __________ 


Candid Shots:   


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3rd Grade (1950):

Miss. Dow

Back Gary Mills    Steven Passmore    __________    Allen Dustin    __________    Gary Richey    Luvee Aires    Margaret Haller    Sally Benedict
Middle Janice Kendall    Jean Davis    Luciel Ayler    Margo Hepworth    Penny Anderson    Carol ?____    Barbara Earl    Dianna Doering    Loretta Coe    Bonnie McCaughan
Front Michael Dahl    __________    Mavin Harris    Jimmy Pitt    Allen Fife

Mrs. Favero

Back      __________    Frank Delgado __________   __________  Mervyn Whiteside  Leo Terry  __________  __________  Lily Borrrowman  __________

Middle  Kathy Cushman __________    __________   __________   __________    Barbara Moon  __________   Judy Richins  __________ 

Front    Melvin Brogdon  Kenny Smith  __________    __________  


Candid Shots:   


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4th Grade (1951):

Mr. Harp / Mrs. Hansen

Back Michael Dahl    Allen fife    Gary Richey    Jim Thomas    Jimmy Pitt    Mr. Harp
Middle Boyd Sannar    Gary Mills    James Jensen    Thelma Tabor    Janice Kendall    Bonnie McCaughan    Sally Benedict    Alice Sannar
Front Patsy Grider    Dianna Doering    Janice Francis    Luvee Aires    Peggy Baker  Joyce Ransee  Margaret Haller    Jean Davis    Loretta Coe    Penny Anderson

This is the year that Mr. Harp taught the morning half and Mrs. Hansen taught the afternoons while Mr. Harp did his Principal duties. Kenny Smith was absent photo day.


Mrs. Hamer


Back   Mrs. Hamer   _____  _____  _____  Eugene Elmo  _____  _____  _____

Middle   Stanley Williams  Frank Stenzel  _____ _____  Nancy Justice  Sharon Lawrence  _____  _____

Front   _____  _____  _____  Leanne Roberson  Loretta Burks  Joan Adams  Shirley Maurer  Sharon Groff

Candid Shots:   

Manzanita School  3rd & 4th Grades   - 1951 -

Back Row          _________   Delbert Tierney   _________   Edward Jeffers   _________   David Davis _________    _________    _________ 


Front Row        ________   Judy Adams   ________   ________  ________   Linda Koehler   ________  ________   Barbara Boyd    ________ 

All the other students are 3rd Graders

Thank you, Linda Koehler
Candid Shots:   


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5th Grade (1952):

Mrs. Marley

Top Jean Davis    Tommy Truman    Janice Francis    Joe Mattson    Alice Lewellan    Mevin Brogdon    Margaret Haller  
2nd Gary Richey    Bonnie McCaughan    Mrs. Marley    Mr McGee, Principal     Loretta Coe    Judy Richins    Leo Terry
Middle Merry ?____    Michael Dahl    Gary Todd    Thelma Tabor  
4th Charles Longacre    Daveine Cushman    Le Roy Green   Boyd Sannar    Jim Jensen    Jimmy Pitt    Patsy Greer    Allen Fife
Bottom Barbara Scott    Kenny Smith    Farrel M?___    Steve Panteleoni    Dwayne Copelin    Penny Anderson    ?Sharandon?   Sally Benedict
Candid Shots:   

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6th Grade (1953):

Mrs. Marley


Back Dwayne Copelin    Gary Richey    James Jensen    Buddy (Max) Gowen    Tommy Truman    Leo Terry    Charles Longacre    Benny Parker    David Person    Joe Mattos  Mrs. Daisy Marley
Middle Darryl Greer    Steven Pantaleoni    Melvin Brogden    Kenny Smith    Ganeva Whitley    Janice Francis    Bonnie McCaughan    Jean Davis    Allen Fife    Jimmy Pitt    Michael Dahl
Front Sally Benedict    Margaret Haller    Patsy Grider    Thelma Tabor    Alice Lewellen    Judy Richin    Daveine Cushman   
Barbara Scott    Loretta Coe    Nancy Harris  Penny Anderson

Mr. Harp

Candid Shots:   

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7th Grade (1954):

Mr. Slagle

Top Judy Richins    Tommy Truman    Sally Benedict    Jimmy Pitt    Leo Terry    Janice Francis  Dale Cutler  Jean Davis
2nd James Jensen    Loretta Coe    Mr. Slagle    Mr. Jessel, Principal    Darryl Greer    Barbara Scott    Boyd Sannar
3rd Penny Anderson    Allen Fife    Alice Lewellen    Ben ?_____    Kenny Smith    Daveine Cushman    Melvin Brogden    Margaret Haller
Bottom Dwayne Copelin    Thelma Tabor    Steven Pantaleoni    Ganeva Whitley    Gary Richey    Buddy (Max) Gowen   
Bonnie McCaughan    Peter Delgado
Candid Shots:   

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8th Grade (1955):

Mr. Slagle

Gridley, California
Room 37

Top Jean Davis    Kenny Smith    Steven Pantaleoni    Judy Richins    Loretta Coe    Tommy Truman    Barbara Scott
2nd Daveine Cushman    Jimmy Pitt    Alice Lewellen    Raymond Din    Thelma Tabor    Margaret Haller    Dwayne Copelin
Middle Mary Ann Flickinger    Penny Anderson    Barbara Wolford    Mr. Jessel, Principal    Sally Benedict    Jeanice Francis   
Don Segur
4th Bonnie Edwards    Allen Fife    Retha Jones    Mr. Slagle    Bonnie McCaughen    Melvin Brogden    Peter Delgado
Bottom Gary Richey    Michael Dahl    Leo Terry    Boyd Sannar

Mrs. Mitchell

Mr. Roberts


Candid Shots: 


Eighth Grade Trip To Sacramento


Eighth Grade Graduation Program